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1. asylum是指为逃避迫害或危险而寻求庇护的地方,也可以指提供这种庇护的或建筑物。:The refugees sought asylum in the neighboring country. (难民们在邻国寻求庇护。)

2. asylum也可以指病院或病患者的收容所。:He was sent to an asylum for treatment. (他被送到一家病院接受治疗。)


3. asylum的读音为/əˈsaɪləm/,重音在第二个音节。


4. 例句1:The political dissidents were granted asylum in a foreign country.


5. 例句2:The government has promised to provide asylum for those who are fleeing from war-torn countries.


6. 例句3:She was granted political asylum after her life was threatened by the oppressive regime.


7. 例句4:The asylum was overcrowded and lacked proper medical facilities.


8. 例句5:The government has been criticized for its treatment of asylum seekers.



9. asylum seeker 寻求庇护者

10. political asylum 庇护

11. mental asylum 病院

12. grant asylum 批准庇护

13. seek asylum 寻求庇护


14. 中文:asylum 意思是避难所或收容所。

15. 英文:Asylum means a place of refuge or shelter.

16. 中文:庇护 指在外国获得保护的权利。

17. 英文:Political asylum refers to the right to be protected in a foreign country.

18. 中文:病院 指收容病患者的医疗。

19. 英文:Mental asylum refers to a medical institution that houses mentally ill patients.


20. Asylum是指为逃避迫害或危险而寻求庇护的地方,也可以指提供这种庇护的或建筑物。它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。在名词意义上,asylum指避难所、收容所或病院;在动词意义上,asylum指批准庇护或寻求庇护。它的读音为/əˈsaɪləm/,重音在第二个音节。Asylum这个词在日常生活中经常被用来描述庇护和病院,但它也可以用来表示其他形式的庇护和避难。



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