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1. amount什么意思?amount的用法和例句的解释:


2. amount什么意思?amount的用法和例句读音读法:


3. amount什么意思?amount的用法和例句的用例:

1) The total amount of money in my bank account is $1000.


2) The amount of time it takes to finish this project is two weeks.


3) A small amount of water is enough to make the plant grow.


4) The total amount of people attending the conference is 200.


5) The amount of effort she put into her work was impressive.


4. amount什么意思?amount的用法和例句组词:

1) substantial amount (大量)

2) insignificant amount (微不足道的数量)

3) certain amount (一定数量)

4) maximum amount (最大数量)

5) limited amount (有限数量)

5. amount什么意思?amount的用法和例句的中英文对照:

1) The amount of food we ordered was too much for us to finish.


2) The total amount of rainfall in this area is 1000mm per year.


3) The amount of love she received from her family was overwhelming.


4) A certain amount of risk is involved in every business venture.


5) I can only withdraw a limited amount of money from the ATM per day.




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