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1. align是指使某物与另一物保持一致或相同,常用于描述调整或匹配的过程。:We need to align our schedules for the meeting tomorrow.(我们需要调整明天的日程安排。)

2. align的用法为动词,读音为/əˈlaɪn/。它的过去式和过去分词形式均为aligned,现在分词形式为aligning。

3. align的用例:

(1)The students were asked to align their desks in rows for the test.(老师要求学生们把桌子排成一排以备考试。)

(2)The company's values must align with its actions.(公司的价值观必须与其行动保持一致。)

(3)It took us a while to align our opinions on the project.(我们花了一些时间来协调对这个项目的看法。)

(4)She tried to align her goals with her team's goals.(她努力使自己的目标与团队的目标保持一致。)

(5)The images on the page are not properly aligned, they need to be adjusted.(页面上的图片没有正确对齐,需要进行调整。)

4. 组词:

- alignment (n.) 对齐

- realign (v.) 重新对齐

- misalign (v.) 错位

- alignment chart (n.) 对齐图表

- self-aligning (adj.) 自动对准的

5. align的中英文对照:

- 中文:使一致,调整,匹配

- 英文:make consistent, adjust, match



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