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1. agitation是什么意思?


2. agitation是什么意思?读音读法


3. agitation是什么意思?的用例

1) She was in a state of constant agitation after hearing the bad news. (她听到坏消息后一直处于焦虑不安的状态。)

2) The political agitation in the country has caused widespread panic among the citizens. (该国动荡引发了公民们的普遍恐慌。)

3) The constant agitation of the water made it difficult for us to swim. (水面持续的波动让我们很难游泳。)

4) The baby's constant crying is a source of agitation for his parents. (婴儿持续不断的哭声让父母感到烦躁。)

5) His constant agitation and restlessness hinted at some underlying problem. (他持续的焦虑和不安暗示着某种潜在问题。)

4. agitation是什么意思?组词

- agitation chamber(搅拌室)

- agitation tank(搅拌罐)

- political agitation()

- agitation of emotions(情绪激动)

- agitation and propaganda(鼓动宣传)

5. agitation是什么意思?的中英文对照

agitation是什么意思? - What does agitation mean?

读音读法 - Pronunciation

用例 - Example

组词 - Related words

中英文对照 - Chinese and English translation

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结




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