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1. angry是指情绪激动、愤怒的状态,通常由于受到不公平的对待、被挑衅或遭遇不愉快的事情而产生。在英文中,angry一词可以用作形容词和动词,常见的同义词有furious、outraged、irritated等。

2. 在日常生活中,我们可以用以下表达来描述生气的状态:

- I'm angry. (我生气了。)

- I'm furious. (我很愤怒。)

- I'm outraged. (我感到愤慨。)

- I'm irritated. (我感到烦躁。)

- I'm annoyed. (我很恼火。)

3. 读音读法:

英 [ˈæŋɡri] 美 [ˈæŋɡri]

4. 用例:

1) He was angry at the way his boss treated him.


2) She was furious when she found out that her boyfriend had lied to her.


3) The citizens were outraged by the government's decision to raise taxes.


4) The constant noise from the construction site irritated the residents.


5) I'm so annoyed with my neighbor's loud music at night.


5. 组词:

- angry mob (愤怒的暴民)

- angry face (生气的表情)

- angry tone (愤怒的语气)

- angry outburst (愤怒的发作)

- angry protest (愤怒)

6. 中英文对照:


1. angry是指情绪激动、愤怒的状态,通常由于受到不公平的对待、被挑衅或遭遇不愉快的事情而产生。

Angry refers to a state of emotional excitement and anger, usually caused by unfair treatment, provocation or unpleasant events.

2. 在英文中,angry一词可以用作形容词和动词,常见的同义词有furious、outraged、irritated等。

In English, the word "angry" can be used as an adjective and a verb, and common synonyms include furious, outraged, and irritated.

3. 读音读法:

英 [ˈæŋɡri] 美 [ˈæŋɡri]


British [ˈæŋɡri] American [ˈæŋɡri]

4. 用例:

1) He was angry at the way his boss treated him.


2) She was furious when she found out that her boyfriend had lied to her.


3) The citizens were outraged by the government's decision to raise taxes.


4) The constant noise from the construction site irritated the residents.


5) I'm so annoyed with my neighbor's loud music at night.


5. 组词:

- angry mob 愤怒的暴民

- angry face 生气的表情

- angry tone 愤怒的语气

- angry outburst 愤怒的发作

- angry protest 愤怒

6. 简单总结:



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