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1. aground是指船只或其他水上交通工具因为搁浅而无法移动的状态。使用aground可以表示船只在海洋中搁浅,无法继续航行。

2. aground的读音为 [əˈgraʊnd],重音在第二个音节上。它由三个音节组成,分别是元音a和两个辅音组合gr和nd。

3. 用例1:The ship ran aground on a sandbar and couldn't move.(这艘船在沙洲上搁浅了,无法移动。)

用例2:The fishermen's boat was aground due to the low tide.(渔民的船因为低潮而搁浅了。)

用例3:The rescue team was called in when a yacht went aground during the storm.(一艘游艇在暴风雨中搁浅,救援队被召唤前往。)

用例4:The captain tried to maneuver the ship back into deep water, but it was already aground.(船长试图将船驶回深水区,但已经搁浅了。)

用例5:The coast guard warned all ships to be careful of the shallow waters where many vessels have gone aground in the past.(海岸卫队告所有船只要小心浅水区,在过去已有许多船只搁浅过。)

4. 组词:aground是一个形容词,可以和其他词组合成为新的词汇,:

- run aground(搁浅)

- go aground(搁浅)

- be aground(被搁浅)

- get aground(搁浅,遭遇困境)

- come aground(被搁浅)

- remain aground(仍然搁浅)

5. 中英文对照:

- 意思:aground

- 读音:[əˈgraʊnd]

- 用例:1.The ship ran aground on a sandbar and couldn't move.(这艘船在沙洲上搁浅了,无法移动。)

2. The fishermen's boat was aground due to the low tide.(渔民的船因为低潮而搁浅了。)

3. The rescue team was called in when a yacht went aground during the storm.(一艘游艇在暴风雨中搁浅,救援队被召唤前往。)

4. The captain tried to maneuver the ship back into deep water, but it was already aground.(船长试图将船驶回深水区,但已经搁浅了。)

5. The coast guard warned all ships to be careful of the shallow waters where many vessels have gone aground in the past.(海岸卫队告所有船只要小心浅水区,在过去已有许多船只搁浅过。)

6. 总结:aground是一个形容词,用来描述船只或其他水上交通工具因为搁浅而无法移动的状态。它的读音为[əˈgraʊnd],重音在第二个音节上。使用aground可以表示船只在海洋中搁浅,无法继续航行。它可以和其他词组合成为新的词汇,run aground、go aground等。在使用时要注意区分其与其他类似词汇的差异,ground和ashore。总的来说,aground是一个比较常用的词汇,在海洋运输领域和相关行业都有广泛的使用。


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