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1. assembly是什么意思?- 指装配;;大会;组装。

2. assembly是什么意思?读音读法- [əˈsemblɪ],英 [əˈsemblɪ];美 [əˈsɛmblɪ],英 [əˈsɛmblɪ]。

3. assembly是什么意思?的用例-

(1) The assembly line has greatly increased our production efficiency. (流水线大大提高了我们的生产效率。)

(2) The town council held an emergency assembly to discuss the recent floods. (镇议会召开了一次紧急大会,讨论最近的洪水情况。)

(3) The company organized an assembly of all its employees to announce the new policies. (公司组织了一次全体员工大会,宣布新。)

(4) The furniture was delivered in pieces and required assembly upon arrival. (家具以零件形式交付,并需要到货后组装。)

(5) The students were excited for the school's annual assembly, which included performances and awards ceremonies. (学生们对学校每年一次的感到兴奋,其中包括表演和颁奖仪式。)

4. assembly是什么意思?组词-

assembly line(流水线); general assembly(大会); National Assembly(国民议会); parliamentary assembly(议会); church assembly(教堂); car assembly(汽车装配); assembly plant(装配厂); assembly language(汇编语言); assembly point(点); assembly hall(厅)。

5. assembly是什么意思?的中英文对照-

assembly - 汉语中文释义:1. 装配;组装;2. ;大会。英语释义:1. the action of fitting together the component parts of a machine or other object; 2. a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结-



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