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1. alarm什么意思?的解释:


2. alarm什么意思?读音读法:


3. alarm什么意思?的用例:

1) The fire alarm went off and everyone rushed out of the building.


2) The alarm on my phone woke me up this morning.


3) The government issued an earthquake alarm, warning people to evacuate.


4) The loud noise from the car's horn alarmed the pedestrians.


5) The security guard set off the alarm when he saw someone trying to break into the building.


4. alarm什么意思?组词:

- false alarm (虚假报)

- alarm clock (闹钟)

- alarm system (报)

- alarmingly (令人担忧地)

- alarmist (危言耸听者)

5. alarm什么意思?的中英文对照:

alarm - 报,告

alarm clock - 闹钟

fire alarm - 火灾报

false alarm - 虚假报

alarmingly - 令人担忧地



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