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1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流游泳和徒步旅行。)

3.alternate还可以表示“代替、替换”的含义。:You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.(你可以使用蜂蜜来代替这个食谱中的糖。)

4.作形容词时,alternate的意思是“交替的、间隔的”。:The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.(这个城镇在偶数和奇数日有交替停车规定。)

5.alternate也可以表示“另外一个、其他的”。:I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.(如果这个计划不成功,我有另一个备选方案。)




1. The students will alternate between studying and taking breaks during the exam.


2. The workers have to alternate their shifts every week.


3. The doctor prescribed alternate medication for the patient's allergy.


4. The family takes turns cooking dinner, so it's an alternate responsibility each night.


5. We have an alternate route planned in case of heavy traffic on the highway.



1. alternative (n./adj.) 替代品、替代的

2. alternately (adv.) 轮流地、交替地

3. alternating (adj.) 交替的、轮流的

4. alternation (n.) 交替、轮流

5. alternatively (adv.) 或者、作为另一选择地


1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流游泳和徒步旅行。)

3.alternate还可以表示“代替、替换”的含义。:You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.(你可以使用蜂蜜来代替这个食谱中的糖。)

4.作形容词时,alternate的意思是“交替的、间隔的”。:The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.(这个城镇在偶数和奇数日有交替停车规定。)

5.alternate也可以表示“另外一个、其他的”。:I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.(如果这个计划不成功,我有另一个备选方案。)

1.alternate is used to describe something that happens in turns or in a sequence. For example: The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.

2.alternate can also be used as a verb, meaning to take turns or to switch back and forth between two things. For example: We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.

3.alternate can also mean "to replace or substitute". For example: You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.

4.As an adjective, alternate means "occurring every other one" or "every second". For example: The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.

5.Alternate can also mean "another" or "different". For example: I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.


1. alternative (n./adj.) alternative, substitute

2. alternately (adv.) alternately, interchangeably

3. alternating (adj.) alternating, changing

4. alternation (n.) alternation, rotation

5. alternatively (adv.) alternatively, as an alternative


1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流游泳和徒步旅行。)

3.alternate还可以表示“代替、替换”的含义。:You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.(你可以使用蜂蜜来代替这个食谱中的糖。)

4.作形容词时,alternate的意思是“交替的、间隔的”。:The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.(这个城镇在偶数和奇数日有交替停车规定。)

5.alternate也可以表示“另外一个、其他的”。:I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.(如果这个计划不成功,我有另一个备选方案。)

1.alternate is used to describe something that happens in turns or in a sequence. For example: The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.

2.alternate can also be used as a verb, meaning to take turns or to switch back and forth between two things. For example: We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.

3.alternate can also mean "to replace or substitute". For example: You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.

4.As an adjective, alternate means "occurring every other one" or "every second". For example: The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.

5.Alternate can also mean "another" or "different". For example: I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.


1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流游泳和徒步旅行。)

3.alternate还可以表示“代替、替换”的含义。:You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.(你可以使用蜂蜜来代替这个食谱中的糖。)

4.作形容词时,alternate的意思是“交替的、间隔的”。:The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.(这个城镇在偶数和奇数日有交替停车规定。)

5.alternate也可以表示“另外一个、其他的”。:I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.(如果这个计划不成功,我有另一个备选方案。)

1.alternate is used to describe something that happens in turns or in a sequence. For example: The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.

2.alternate can also be used as a verb, meaning to take turns or to switch back and forth between two things. For example: We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.

3.alternate can also mean "to replace or substitute". For example: You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.

4.As an adjective, alternate means "occurring every other one" or "every second". For example: The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.

5.Alternate can also mean "another" or "different". For example: I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.


1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流游泳和徒步旅行。)

3.alternate还可以表示“代替、替换”的含义。:You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.(你可以使用蜂蜜来代替这个食谱中的糖。)

4.作形容词时,alternate的意思是“交替的、间隔的”。:The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.(这个城镇在偶数和奇数日有交替停车规定。)

5.alternate也可以表示“另外一个、其他的”。:I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.(如果这个计划不成功,我有另一个备选方案。)

1.alternate is used to describe something that happens in turns or in a sequence. For example: The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.

2.alternate can also be used as a verb, meaning to take turns or to switch back and forth between two things. For example: We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.

3.alternate can also mean "to replace or substitute". For example: You can use honey to alternate sugar in this recipe.

4.As an adjective, alternate means "occurring every other one" or "every second". For example: The town has alternate parking on even and odd days.

5.Alternate can also mean "another" or "different". For example: I have an alternate plan if this one doesn't work out.


1.alternate是指轮流、交替的意思。:The two teams alternate in winning the championship every year.(这两支球队每年轮流获得冠。)

2.alternate也可以作动词使用,意为“轮流进行”。:We will alternate between swimming and hiking during our vacation.(我们在假期中会轮流


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