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1,area是指一个特定的地域范围或区域。常见的用法包括指代某个具体的地理位置、空间范围或特定的场所。:This area is known for its beautiful beaches.(这个地区以其美丽的海滩而闻名。)


3,area有时也可以表示某一领域或范围内的专业知识或兴趣。:I'm not an expert in this area, but I can try to help you.(我不是这个领域的专家,但我可以尝试帮助你。)

4,area也可以作为一个数学术语,表示某一平面图形所包含的面积大小。:The total area of the square is 25 square meters.(这个正方形的总面积是25平方米。)

5,area还可以用来表示某一活动或发生的场所。:The crime scene was cordoned off as investigators searched the area for evidence.(犯罪现场被隔离起来,调查人员在该地区搜寻证据。)

6.area也可以作为一个动词使用,在这种情况下它意思是“覆盖”、“涵盖”。:The new policy will area a wider range of issues than the previous one.(新将涵盖比之前更广泛的问题。)


8,area的常见搭配词有:urban area(城市地区)、residential area(居民区)、commercial area(商业区)、rural area(农村地区)等。


- The shopping mall is located in the downtown area.


- The park covers a large area and is perfect for picnics.


- This book covers a wide area of knowledge about ancient civilizations.


- The swimming pool has an area of 200 square meters.


- The concert will take place in the outdoor performance area.



- residential areas(居民区)

- industrial areas(工业区)

- tourist areas(旅游区)

- coastal areas(沿海地区)

- protected areas(保护区)


12. 总结:area是一个多义词,在英语中可以表示具体的地理位置、空间范围、专业知识领域等。它还可以作为一个数学术语,表示平面图形的面积大小。常见的搭配词有urban area、residential area、commercial area等。在中文中可以翻译为“地区”、“范围”、“领域”等。使用时需要根据语境来确定其具体含义。


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