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1. arctic是什么意思?


2. arctic是什么意思?


arctic的读音为 [ˈɑːktɪk],重音在第一个音节。它的发音与单词“article”相似,但最后一个音节发[ɪ]而不是[ə]。

3. arctic是什么意思?


1. The Arctic Circle is located at 66°33’N, marking the southernmost point where the sun can be seen above the horizon for a full 24 hours during summer solstice.


2. The Arctic Ocean is covered with ice for most of the year, making it difficult for ships to navigate through.


3. The Inuit people have lived in the Arctic region for thousands of years, adapting to the harsh climate and environment.


4. Many species of animals, such as polar bears and Arctic foxes, are uniquely adapted to survive in the extreme conditions of the Arctic.


5. The Arctic is an important region for scientific research, as it provides valuable insights into climate change and its effects on the planet.


4. arctic是什么意思?


1. Arctic Circle (北极圈)

2. Arctic Ocean (北冰洋)

3. Arctic fox (北极狐)

4. Arctic tern (北极燕鸥)

5. Arctic hare (雪兔)

5. arctic是什么意思?


arctic: 北极的,与北极有关的

arctic: n. 北极地区



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