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1. attribute是指某个事物或现象所具有的特质、特征或性质。:Honesty is an important attribute for a person.(诚实是一个人的重要品质。)

2. attribute可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,表示“属性”、“特性”、“品质”等含义;作为动词时,表示“归因于”、“把…归咎于”等含义。

3. 读音:[əˈtrɪbjuːt]

4. 用例:

- The success of the project can be attributed to the hard work and dedication of the team members.(项目的成功归功于团队成员的努力和奉献。)

- She attributes her good health to regular exercise and a balanced diet.(她把自己的健康归功于定期锻炼和均衡饮食。)

- The artist's unique style is his most distinctive attribute.(这位艺术家独特的风格是他最显著的特点。)

- His lack of communication skills is often attributed to his shy personality.(他缺乏沟通能力常常被归咎于他害羞的个性。)

- The company's success can be attributed to its innovative products and efficient management.(公司的成功归功于其创新产品和高效管理。)

5. 组词:

- positive/negative attributes (积极/消极的特性)

- personal attributes (个人品质)

- desirable/undesirable attributes (可取/不可取的特征)

- physical attributes (身体特征)

- inherited attributes (遗传特征)

6. attribute的中文意思是“属性”、“特性”,常用于描述事物所具有的某种品质或特点。作为名词,attribute可以指代某个人或事物所具有的属性,也可以指代某种行为或状态的原因;作为动词,attribute则表示将某个现象归因于某个原因或来源。



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