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1. ascent是指向上的运动或增长,也可以指向上的爬升,常用于描述山峰、高度、等级等。:The ascent to the of the mountain was treacherous and exhausting. (爬上山顶是危险且令人精疲力尽的。)

2. ascent的读音为/əˈsent/,发音时注意重读第一个音节。

3. ascent也可以用作名词,表示向上移动或增长的行为或过程。:The company's ascent to the of the industry was impressive. (公司在行业中的崛起令人印象深刻。)

4. 用例1:The hot air balloon's ascent into the sky was smooth and peaceful.


5. 用例2:The stock market has seen a steady ascent in recent years.


6. 用例3:The astronaut's ascent into space was a historic moment.


7. 用例4:The politician's rapid ascent to power surprised many people.


8. 用例5:The athlete's ascent up the mountain was a grueling challenge.


9. ascent可以与许多动词搭配使用,make, begin, continue等。:The hiker began her ascent up the steep mountain. (徒步旅行者开始攀登陡峭的山峰。)

10. ascent也可以用作形容词,表示向上的或上升的。:The ascent trend of the company's stocks was encouraging for investors. (公司股票的上升趋势对投资者来说是令人鼓舞的。)

11. 组词:ascent rate (上升率), ascention (上升), ascenter (爬山者), ascentional (向上的)

12. 中英文对照:

ascent: 上升/爬升

例句:The eagle's swift ascent into the sky was a magnificent sight.



ascent: /əˈsent/

ascent into: 进入/攀登

例句:The climbers began their ascent into the heart of the mountain.



ascent to power: 登上权力之巅

例句:Her rapid ascent to power surprised many people in the political world.



ascent rate: 上升率

例句:The ascent rate of the rocket was faster than expected.



ascent trend: 上升趋势

例句:The ascent trend of the company's stocks was encouraging for investors.




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