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1.appointed是指被任命、委派或者安排某个职务或任务的意思。:She was appointed as the new CEO of the company.(她被任命为公司的新CEO。)

2.appointed的用法是作为形容词使用,常见搭配有be appointed、get appointed、appointed position等。:He was appointed to the position of manager last month.(他上个月被任命为经理职位。)

3.appointed还可以作为动词使用,意思是指定、安排或委派某人做某事。:The committee has appointed a new chairman.(已经任命了一位新。)

4.appointed的读音为 /əˈpɔɪntɪd/,音标为 [uh-poin-tid]。


(1)The newly appointed ambassador arrived in the country yesterday.


(2)He was disappointed when he didn't get the appointed job.


(3)The company has appointed a team to handle the project.


(4)The teacher appointed her students to do a group project.


(5)They have not yet announced who will be appointed as the new director.



7.appointed的中文意思是“被指定的、被委派的”,可以用来形容人或事物。它也可以指某个具体的时间、地点或职位。:The appointed time for the meeting is 9 am.(指定的时间是上午9点。)

8.总结:appointed是一个多义词,既可以作为形容词使用,表示被任命或委派,也可以作为动词使用,表示指定或安排。它常见搭配有be appointed、get appointed等,读音为 /əˈpɔɪntɪd/。在词典行业中,我们要注意其用法和例句,以便更好地理解和运用这个词汇。


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