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1. admittedly的意思是什么?的解释:


2. admittedly的意思是什么?读音读法:

admittedly一词的读音为 /ədˈmɪtɪdli/,重音在第二个音节上。其中,字母a发音为/ə/,字母i发音为/ɪ/,字母y发音为/i:/,字母d发音为/d/,字母l发音为/l/。

3. admittedly的意思是什么?的用例:

(1) Admittedly, I am not the best cook, but I always try my best to make delicious meals for my family.


(2) Admittedly, the new policy has caused some inconvenience, but it will benefit us in the long run.


(3) Admittedly, the company has made some mistakes in the past, but they have learned from them and improved their management.


(4) Admittedly, the film has received mixed reviews, but it has still been a box office success.


(5) Admittedly, he is not the most talented player in the team, but his hard work and dedication have earned him a spot on the starting lineup.


4. admittedly的意思是什么?组词:

admit(vt. 承认)+ -ted(-ed为过去分词后缀)+ -ly(副词后缀)=admittedly(adv. 不可否认地)

5. admittedly的意思是什么?的中英文对照:

admittedly [ədˈmɪtɪdli] 诚然、不可否认地



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