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1. academic是指与学术相关的,通常指涉及学术研究、教育和知识的领域或活动。也可以用来形容严谨、专业和正式的。

2. [əˈkædəmɪk],读音为uh-kad-uh-mik。

3. 用例:

(1) He has a strong academic background and is well-respected in the field of physics.


(2) The university is known for its high academic standards and rigorous curriculum.


(3) The conference will bring together academics from different countries to discuss the latest research in their fields.


(4) She has published numerous academic papers and has won several awards for her research.


(5) The school places a strong emphasis on both academic achievement and character development.


4. 组词:

- academician (n.) 学者,专家

- academia (n.) 学术界,学术界人士

- academicism (n.) 学院派,学院主义

- academically (adv.) 学术上,学业上

- academicianism (n.) 学者气质,学者

5. academic的中英文对照:


英文:academic, educational, rigorous, formal



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