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1. (苗助长)是指一个人或者团体在某方面发挥重要作用或者起到帮助的作用。:他是我们团队的苗助长,给我们提供了很多宝贵的建议和支持。

2. (苗助长)的读音为[míao zhù zhǎng],其中"苗"的读音为[míao],意为植物的一种;"助"的读音为[zhù],意为帮助;"长"的读音为[zhǎng],意为成长。整体来看,(苗助长)可以理解为植物生长过程中得到帮助和支持。

3. 用例:(1) 她是我的苗助长,在我遇到困难时给予了我很多帮助。(2) 这个项目的成功离不开他作为我们团队的苗助长。(3) 他是学校里最优秀的学生,也是同学们心目中的苗助长。(4) 在这个新兴行业中,他被誉为行业内的苗助长。(5) 在她身边,总有一群人把她当做自己生活中不可或缺的苗助长。

4. 组词:(1) 苗木:指用于园林绿化、盆景等的各种植物。(2) 助力:指给予帮助和支持,力量的作用。(3) 长大:指生长、发展,成长的过程。(4) 苗头:指事物发展的趋势或者某个方面的迹象。(5) 助手:指帮助主人完成工作的人。

5. 英文对照:(1) (苗助长) means a person or group plays an important role or provides help in a certain aspect. For example: He is the (苗助长) of our team, providing us with valuable advice and support.(2) The pronunciation of (苗助长) is [míao zhù zhǎng], with "苗" pronounced as [míao], meaning a type of plant; "助" pronounced as [zhù], meaning help; "长" pronounced as [zhǎng], meaning growth. Overall, (苗助长) can be understood as receiving help and support during the growth process of plants.(3) Examples: (1) She is my (苗助长), giving me a lot of help when I encounter difficulties. (2) The success of this project cannot be achieved without him as our team's (苗助长). (3) He is the most outstanding student in the school and also the (苗助长) in the minds of his classmates. (4) In this emerging industry, he is known as the industry's (苗助长). (5) Around her, there are always a group of people who treat her as an indispensable (苗助长) in their lives.(4) Word combinations: (1) 苗木 (miáo mù): refers to various plants used for gardening, landscaping, etc. (2) 助力 (zhù lì): refers to the act of providing help and support, the force of power. (3) 长大 (zhǎng dà): refers to growth and development, the process of growing up. (4) 苗头 (miáo tóu): refers to the trend of development or a sign in a certain aspect. (5) 助手 (zhù shǒu): refers to a person who helps the owner complete work.

6. 简单总结:(苗助长)是指在某方面发挥重要作用或者起到帮助作用的人或团体。它可以理解为植物生长过程中得到帮助和支持,也可以指在其他事物的发展中扮演重要角色。其读音为[míao zhù zhǎng],其中"苗"的意思是植物,"助"的意思是帮助,"长"的意思是成长。例句中常用于形容一个人或者团队在工作、学习、生活等方面给予帮助和支持的情况。相关词语有苗木、助力、长大等。总的来说,(苗助长)可以理解为一种积极向上的力量,在我们的生活中起到重要作用。


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