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absent minded是什么意思?

1. absent minded是什么意思?的解释:

absent minded是指一个人不集中,心不在焉,容易忘事的状态。这种状态下,人们常常会忘记自己正在做的事情,或者无法专注于一件事情上。

2. absent minded是什么意思?读音读法:

absent minded的读音为/ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd/,其中absent发音为/ˈæbsənt/,minded发音为/ˈmaɪndɪd/。

3. absent minded是什么意思?的用例:

例句1:He is so absent minded that he often forgets to bring his keys when he goes out.


例句2:The professor was so absent minded during the lecture that he forgot to turn on his microphone.


例句3:She is always absent minded in the morning, so she often puts her coffee mug in the fridge instead of the microwave.


例句4:I can't believe I made such a silly mistake, I must have been very absent minded at that moment.


例句5:Her absent mindedness caused her to miss her flight, and she had to buy another ticket.


4. absent minded是什么意思?组词:

- absent-mindedly (adv.) 心不在焉地

- absent-mindedness (n.) 心不在焉的状态

- absent-mindedness (adj.) 心不在焉的

- absence (n.) 缺席,缺少

- mind (v.) 介意,留心

5. absent minded是什么意思?的中英文对照:


英文:absent minded,distracted

absent minded是一个常用的表达,它可以形容一个人恍惚、健忘、粗心大意的状态。它不仅可以用来描述暂时性的状态,也可以指代长期养成的习惯。除此之外,它还有缺席、缺乏等含义。无论是在口语还是书面语中,absent minded都是一个非常常见的词汇。它的同义词有distracted、inattentive等,反义词有focused、attentive等。总而言之,absent minded是一个多功能且广泛适用的词汇,在日常生活中经常被使用。


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