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1. acceptance是什么意思?解释:acceptance是指对某种事物或观点的接受和认可,也可以指接受某种提议或邀请。

2. acceptance是什么意思?读音读法:[əkˈseptəns],英式发音为/əkˈsept(ə)ns/,美式发音为/əkˈsɛpt(ə)ns/。

3. acceptance是什么意思?用例:

(1)The acceptance of new technology is crucial for the development of our company.

(2)His acceptance speech was well received by the audience.

(3)The school has a strict policy on the acceptance of late assignments.

(4)The artist's work gained widespread acceptance in the art community.

(5)She struggled with self-acceptance for many years before finally finding peace with herself.

4. acceptance是什么意思?组词:

- self-acceptance 自我接受

- unconditional acceptance 无条件接受

- social acceptance 社会认可

- widespread acceptance 广泛接受

- reluctant acceptance 不情愿的接受

5. acceptance是什么意思?中英文对照:


英文:accept, recognition, commitment, approval



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