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1. acceptor是一个名词,指的是接受者,收款人,受让人等。:The acceptor of the money was very grateful for the donation.(这笔钱的接受者非常感激这次捐赠。)

2. acceptor的用法和例句读音读法:[əkˈseptər]。:The acceptor of the award gave a moving speech at the ceremony.(这个奖项的获得者在颁奖典礼上发表了感人的演讲。)

3. acceptor的用法和例句的用例:

例句1:He is the acceptor of the invitation, so he should be there on time.


例句2:The company's policy states that only the acceptor of a contract can make changes to it.


例句3:As the acceptor of this challenge, I will do my best to complete it.


例句4:The bank will not release the funds until they receive confirmation from the acceptor.


例句5:She was chosen as the acceptor of this prestigious award due to her outstanding achievements in her field.


4. acceptor是什么意思?acceptor的用法和例句组词:

acceptor bank(接收银行)

acceptor country(接收)

acceptor clause(接受条款)

acceptor instrument(接受票据)

5. acceptor是什么意思?acceptor的用法和例句的中英文对照:


英文:acceptor, payee, assignee



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