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1. absent的意思是缺席的,不在场的,缺少的。它可以用作形容词、动词和名词。

2. absent的读音为/ˈæbsənt/,发音时重音在第一个音节上。它的同义词包括missing、away、not present等。

3. absent的用例:

(1) He was absent from the meeting yesterday.


(2) The teacher marked him absent because he didn't show up for class.


(3) The company's profits are down due to the absence of key players.


(4) Her mind was absent during the lecture, so she didn't understand anything.


(5) The absence of evidence does not necessarily mean the absence of guilt.


4. absent可以与其他单词组成短语或者句子:

(1) be absent from:缺席

:He will be absent from work for a week due to personal reasons.


(2) absent oneself:离开,远离

:She absented herself from the party without saying goodbye to anyone.


(3) absent-minded:心不在焉的

:He is always absent-minded and forgets important things.


(4) absence makes the heart grow fonder:物以稀为贵

:They used to fight all the time, but now they are apart, absence makes the heart grow fonder.


5. absent的中英文对照:





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