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1. abnormal的意思是指不正常或异常的,与一般情况不同或违反常规的。

2. abnormal的读音为/æbˈnɔːrml/,读作“ab-nawr-muhl”。

3. abnormal的用例:

例句1:His behavior was abnormal and raised suspicions.

例句2:The test results showed an abnormality in his blood.

例句3:The weather has been abnormal this year, with record-breaking temperatures.

例句4:She felt that her thoughts were becoming more and more abnormal.

例句5:The doctor diagnosed her with an abnormal growth in her lungs.

4. abnormal的组词:

- abnormally (adv.) 异常地

- abnormality (n.) 异常状态

- abnormity (n.) 反常,畸形

- nonabnormal (adj.) 非异常的

- subabnormal (adj.) 亚正常的

5. abnormal的中英文对照:


英文:abnormal, unusual, atypical

6. 总结:

abnormal是一个表示不正常或异常情况的形容词,它可以用来描述人、事物、状态等。它通常与一般情况相比较,有违反常规或不符合标准之意。其读音为/æbˈnɔːrml/,是一个三音节单词。在使用时可以加上副词“abnormally”来强调程度。:“She behaved abnormally during the meeting.”(她在中表现得异常)。

在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到一些不正常的情况,比如天气异常、人的行为异常、身体出现异常症状等。这时候,我们可以使用abnormal来形容这些情况。:“The abnormal weather caused a lot of damage to the crops.”(异常的天气给庄稼造成了很大的损失)。

除了用作形容词外,abnormal还可以作为名词“abnormality”的形容词形式,表示“异常状态”。:“The doctor found an abnormality in her test results.”(医生她的检测结果有异常)。



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