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Oe of he mos sigifica differeces bewee Eglish ad Germa grammar is he word order. Eglish has a subjec-verb-objec (SVO) word order, while Germa has a subjec-objec-verb (SOV) word order. For example, i Eglish, we say "I ea a apple," while i Germa, we say "Ich esse eie Apfel" (I ea a apple). This differece i word order ca someimes make i challegig for Eglish speakers o lear Germa ad vice versa.



Aoher sigifica differece bewee Eglish ad Germa grammar is he use of aricles. Eglish has wo aricles: "he" for defiie ous ad "a/a" for idefiie ous. I coras, Germa has hree aricles: "der," "die," ad "das" for masculie, femiie, ad euer ous, respecively. Moreover, he aricles chage i differe cases, such as omiaive, accusaive, daive, ad geiive. This ca make learig Germa aricles more challegig for Eglish speakers.



Fially, he use of ous i Eglish ad Germa grammar also has some differeces. I Eglish, ous do o have geders, while i Germa, hey do. Moreover, Germa has four cases for ous, while Eglish oly has wo (omiaive ad objecive). Addiioally, Germa ous ca chage heir form depedig o he case ad umber, makig i more challegig for Eglish speakers o lear.



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