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1. \\\"Hammer's Germa Grammar ad Usage\\\" by Mari Durrell

This comprehesive grammar book is ideal for Eglish speakers who are serious abou learig Germa. I盖尔玛covers all aspecs of ?魅力from basic seece srucure oadvaced opics like subjucive clauses. The book also icludesexercises ad aswer keys,makig iasa grea resource for self-sudy。

2. \\“Germa Grammar Drills\\”by Ed Swick

If you're lookig for a book ha focuses specifically o grammar exercises,\\“Germa grammar Drills\\”isgrea choice. I icludes over 200 exercises ha cover all aspecs of Germa Grammar,from ou geder overb cojugaio. The book also icludes aswer keys ad explaaios for each exercise

3. \\\"Collis Easy Learig Germa Grammar\\\" by Collis Dicioaries

If you're a begier o Germa grammar,\\\"Collis Easy Learig Germa grammar \\\" is a grea place o sar. Icovers he basics of Germa Grammar I a clear ad . easy-o-udersad way . The book also icludes a glossaryof grammar erms ad a comprehesive idex。

“Germa Grammar i Use”by Mari Durrell

Aoher grea opio for iermediae o advaced learers is \\“Germa Grammar i Use\\”by Mari Durrell. Thisbook covers all aspecs ofGerma grammar,wihafocus o pracical usage. icludes los of examples ad exercises,as well as a cd-rom wih是ieracive grammar aciviies。


Wheher you're a begier or a advaced learer,havig a good Eglish grammar book ca be a valuableresource for learig Germa. The books we've discussed i his aricle areall excelle opios coverig allaspecs of Germa grammar ad providig los of exercises ad examples. Wih he righ resources ad somededicaio,ayoe ca lear o speak Germa wih cofidece !


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