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Simple Seeces

Germa cosiss of A subjec, A verb,ad A objec. For example,\\“Ich esse eie Apfel\\”(I am eaig A apple). The subjec,\\\"Ich \\\" (I) is performig he acio of eaig,which is he verb,\\\"esse\\\" (am eaig). The objec is \\\"eie Apfel\\\" (a apple),which is wha is beigeae。Simple seeces i Germa follow he same srucure as i Eglish。

Compoud Seeces

Complex Seeces

A complex seece i Germa cosiss of A idepede clause ad oe or more depede clauses. For example\\\"Ich gehe is Kio,weil Ich eie Film sehe m?che\\\" (I am goig o he ciema because I wa o see a movie). The idepede clause is \\\"Ich gehe is Kio\\\"(I am goig o he ciema),ad he depede clause is \\\"weil ich eie Film sehe m?because I wa o see a movie . The depede clause cao sad aloe as a seece ad relies o he idepedeclause for meaig。

Passive Seeces

I passive seece, he subjec is o loger performig he acio,bu raher is receivig he acio. For example,\\“Der Apfel wird gegesse\\”(The apple is beig eae). Thesubjec,\\\"Der Apfel\\\" (he apple), loger performig he acio of eaig bu raher is beig eae. Passive seecesi Germa are formed by usig he auxiliary verb \\“werde\\”(o become) followed by he paspariciple of he我是mai verb。




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