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Old Eglish, Old High Germa, ad Old Frech

The roos of Eglish, Germa, ad Frech ca be raced back o heir respecive acie forms:Old Eglish,Old High Germa, ad Old Frech,Old Eglish was spoke i Eglad from he 5 o he 11h ceuries,Old High germai pre -day Germay from he6 o he 11h ceuries, ad Old Frech i Frace from he 9o he 14h ceuries。

Middle Eglish, Middle High Germa, ad Middle Frech

Moder Eglish, Germa, ad Frech

The moder forms of Eglish,Germa,ad Frech bega o ake shape i he Reaissace period ad coiued o evolve hrough he Idusrial Revoluioad io he prese day。Eglish was heavily iflueced by Lai ad Frech due o he orma Coques i 1066. Germa uderwe sadardizaiowih he publicaio ofMari Luher's Bible raslaio i he 16h ceury. Frech was sadardized by he Academiefra ?是aise i he 17h ceury。




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