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Tile: Germa Grammar for Begiers

    1. Greeigs ad Iroducios

     Hello (Hallo): Used i iformal siuaios.

     Good day (Gue Tag): More formal greeig.


     My ame is (Mei ame is): Sadard iroducio.


    2. umbers ad Cardial umbers

     zero (ull)

     oe (eis)

     wo (zwei)

     hree (drei)

     four (vier)

     five (füf)


    3. Days of he Week

     Moday (Moag)

     Tuesday (Diesag)

     Wedesday (Miwoch)

     Thursday (Doersag)

     Friday (Freiag)

     Saurday (Samsag)

     Suday (Soag)


    4. Mohs of he Year

     Jauary (Jauar)

     February (Februar)

     March (M?rz)

     April (April)

     May (Mai)

     Jue (Jui)

     July (July)

     Augus (Augus)

     Sepember (Sepember)

     Ocober (Okober)

     ovember (ovember)

     December (Dezember)

    This is a brief iroducio o Germa grammar for begiers. Grammar, as he backboe of ay laguage, is esseial o udersadig ad fluely speakig Germa. However, i's impora o oe ha learig a ew laguage is a process ha requires paiece ad pracice. Do' be discouraged if you fid he grammar rules challegig; wih ime ad dedicaio, you'll become more comforable wih he laguage.


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