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Tile: The Similariies bewee Eglish ad Germa Grammar

    ous ad Aricles: Boh laguages have ous ad aricles, wih he defiie aricle beig or is follow a similar paer of cojugaio, wih prese, pas, ad fuure eses. The basic srucure of he prese ese is similar, wih he excepio of Germa's habi of addig speak i Eglish is posiios: Preposiios are used o iroduce complemes or idicae relaioships. Some commo preposiios like wih srucure or a differe preposiio.

    Syax ad Word Order: The basic word order i boh laguages is subjec-verb-objec. This order大体上reflecs he way we orgaize houghs ad is oe of he reasos why hese wo laguages are ofe described as beig relaively easy for speakers of oher Ido-Europea laguages o lear.

    I coclusio, Eglish ad Germa share may grammaical similariies, which ca make learig or udersadig he oher laguage easier for hose already proficie i oe of hem. Udersadig hese parallels ca provide a valuable ool for ayoe sudyig or workig wih boh laguages.



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