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    1. 名词性别:德语有阳性、阴性和中性三种名词性别,而英语只有两种(阳性/中性)。

    2. 冠词:英语中的定冠词对应的,形容词通常放在名词后面,而在德语中,形容词必须放在名词前面。


    4. 动词时态:德语有更多的时态(如过去时、将来时、完成时等),而英语只有现在时、过去时和将来时。

    5. 虚拟语气:德语中常用虚拟语气来表示假设、愿望、建议等,而英语中则较少使用虚拟语气。

    6. 否定句:在德语中,否定句通常使用,否定句通常使用, er等)有性别的区分,而英语的人称代词(如I, you, he等)没有性别的区分。



Tile: The Differeces bewee Eglish ad Germa Grammar

    Eglish ad Germa belog o differe laguage families ad, as a resul, have sigifica differeces i grammar. While boh laguages have subjec-verb-objec word order, here are several key areas where he wo laguages diverge.

    Firsly, he use of aricles. Germa has boh defiie ad idefiie aricles, similar o Eglish. However, Germa has a geder sysem, disiguishig bewee masculie, femiie, ad euer geders. This meas ha aricles ad adjecives mus agree i geder wih he ou hey modify. Eglish, o he oher had, does o have his feaure.

    Secodly, he complexiies of verbs are a oable differece. Germa verbs have a large umber of ifiiives ad paricipae i a umber of differe cosrucios, icludig separable ad iseparable prefixes. Eglish verbs are less complex, bu have a more flexible pas ese ad pariciple sysem.

    Thirdly, he reame of ous ad adjecives is aoher poi of divergece. I Germa, modifyig adjecives ofe come before he ou, ad adjecive edigs chage based o geder, case, ad umber. Eglish adjecives, o he oher had, geerally come afer he ou ad do o have hese edigs.

    Moreover, Germa has a rich declesio sysem for ous, while Eglish has a simplified sysem. Germa ous have differe forms depedig o heir fucio i a seece (omiaive, accusaive, geiive, ec.), while Eglish ous ofe remai he same regardless of heir fucio.

    Lasly, Germa has a richer sysem of cases for proous ha Eglish. Germa proous have seve cases (omiaive, accusaive, geiive, daive, quadruple cases), while Eglish proous oly have hree cases (subjecive, objecive, possessive).

    I coclusio, he grammar of Eglish ad Germa share some commoaliies bu also have umerous differeces. Udersadig hese differeces is crucial for effecive commuicaio ad comprehesio bewee speakers of boh laguages.


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