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Derived Meaning and Synonyms


Derived Meaning and Synonyms

Derived is a verb that means to come from or to be derived from. It can also refer to a derivative, which is a word or phrase that is derived from a larger or more complex word or phrase.

Here are some synonyms for derived:
Derived from
Derived in
Derived upon
Derived from
Derived in
Derived upon
Derived from
Derived in
Derived upon
Derived from
Derived in
Here are some examples of the verb derived used in sentences:

The company was derived from a small business that was founded by the current CEO.

The product was derived from a research project that was conducted by the company's R&D team.

The decision was derived from a thorough analysis of the company's financial data.

The policy was derived from a consensus meeting among the company's management team.

The solution was derived from a brainstorming session that was held by the team.

The product was derived from a customer survey that was conducted by the company.

The project was derived from a strategic planning session that was held by the company.


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