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The Fox是什么意思(The Fox Sings a Melodic Hymn)

The Fox Sings a Melodic Hymn


The Fox Sings a Melodic Hymn
In a quiet forest, where the leaves rustle and the wind stirs,

A little fox appears, with a coat as white as snow.

Its eyes are bright and its tail is long,

It hops from branch to branch, with graceful leaps and bounds.

The Fox Sings a Melodic Hymn (Continued)
It chants a melody so sweet and so pure,

With every note, it fills the air with joy.

The birds join in, their songs a cacophony,

As the fox continues, its joy becomes more and more.

The Fox Sings a Melodic Hymn (Continued)
And as the sun begins to set, the fox takes flight,
Leaving behind a trail of sweet perfume,

As it hops along, its song never does.


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