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“地平线”英语怎么写 horizn The lights were blinking on the horizon.灯光在地平线闪烁。 地平线的翻译,怎么用英语翻译地平线,地平线用英语 你好! 地平线horizon 英[həˈraɪzn] 美[həˈraɪzn] n. 地平线; 范围; 界限; 眼界; [例句]A grey *** udge appeared on the horizon. That must be Calais, thought Fay 一个模糊的灰影出现在地平线上。那里一定是加来,法伊心想。 在地平线上英语翻译 翻译为: 在地平线上 词典 on the horizon 网络 Horizon Hotel; Enelhorizonte; 例句: 他们消失在地平线上了。 They faded out in the horizon. 消失的地平线用英语怎么说 消失的地平线 [词典] [电影] Lost Horizon; [例句]詹姆斯.希尔顿的《消失的地平线》在西方曾轰动一时,他向西方世界呈现了一个世外桃园般的中国。 Lost Horizon, which is written by James Hilton, has been very hot in the West. He presents a Chinese utopia to the western world. 我们在地平线的两端各自行走.......就算相遇,也只是擦肩而过..........英语怎么说 We keep walking on each side of the sky line,It just brush past each ohter even if we'll meet someday. “消失的地平线,伸手够不到的你,渐渐远去”用英语怎么说? Away gone the Horizon,you who are out of my reach,gradually went away. LZ,给分吧!



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