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比赛用英语可以说 "The Competition in English"
Important Words and Phrases for the Competition

- The competition: The fight or contest between different groups or individuals for the same goal.


- Challenge: A test or trial of strength, skill, or resolve.

-contest: A friendly or competitive competition between two or more groups or individuals.

- race: A competition in which contestants compete against each other to reach a goal or finish first.

- event: A contest or competition in which people, teams, or societies compete to achieve a particular goal or standard.

- struggle: A difficult and often heated competition between different groups or individuals for the same goal.

- strife: A disagreement or clash between different groups or individuals that can lead to competition or conflict.

Competition Analysis

- Analysis: A study or examination of the strengths and weaknesses of a system, process, or product.

- evaluate: To assess the value or quality of something based on its characteristics or performance.

- assessment: A formal or informal evaluation of the value or quality of something.

- evaluate: To consider the value or quality of (something) in order to determine whether it is good or useful.

- opponent: A person or group that competes with you for the same goal or recognition.

- rivalry: A friendly or competitive relationship between two or more people or groups with a shared interest or goal.

- competition: A friendly or competitive relationship between two or more people or groups with a shared interest or goal.

- rivalry: A friendly or competitive relationship between two or more people or groups with a shared interest or goal.

The Benefits of Competition

- Benefits: advantages or advantages of a particular situation, activity, or thing.

- advantages: Benefits or benefits of a particular situation, activity, or thing.

- competition: A friendly or competitive relationship between two or more people or groups with a shared interest or goal.

- challenge: A test or trial of strength, skill, or resolve.



- 竞争可以促进创新: Competition can promote innovation。

- 竞争可以激发个人或团队的潜能: Competition can inspire individuals or teams to discover their potential。

- 竞争可以帮助我们变得更好: Competition can help us improve.

- 竞争可以让我们看到自身的不足: Competition can help us see our shortcomings.

The Importance of Good Competition

- Importance: The importance of something is the main reason why it is necessary or valuable.

- essential: Something that is necessary for the normal functioning or survival of a person, group, or society.

- necessary: Something that is necessary for the normal functioning or survival of a person, group, or society.

- valuable: Something that is important or useful.

- healthy competition: Good competition that encourages personal and team growth and development.

- constructive competition: Competition that is positive and helpful, helping individuals to improve themselves.

- negative competition: Competition that is harmful or unproductive, causing individuals to engage in destructive behaviors.

- good competition: Competition that is positive, healthy, and constructive.

- healthy competition: A type of competition that promotes personal and team growth and development.

- constructive competition: A type of competition that is positive and helpful, helping individuals to improve themselves.


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