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where是一个疑问词,可以用来询问地点、方向、原因等。例如:“What's the capital of France?”(法的首都是什么?)、“Where are you from?”(你来自哪里?)、“Why did you choose this major for your degree?”(你为什么选择这个专业作为你的学位?)


where有时也可以用作副词,表示地点或方向。例如:“Please write the address where you are staying.”(请写一下你住宿的地址。“)、“I'm going to the store, where is it?”(我要去商店,它在哪里?)、“Please show me the way to the train station.”(请告诉我去火车站的路,)
where还可以用作连接词,表示因果关系。例如:“I came here because I was looking for a job, and I found it.”(我来这里是因为我在找一份工作,最后找到了。)、“I followed the road to the park, and it led me to the soccer field.”(我跟着这条路来到了公园,这条路引领我来到了足球场。)、“I didn't eat breakfast because I was busy with work, and I didn't have time to buy anything later.”(因为我忙于工作,没有时间买东西,所以我没有吃早饭。)
where有时也可以用作介词,表示地点或方向。例如:“The store is around the corner, and it's a 7-minute walk from here.”(商店就在拐角处,步行7分钟就可以到达。)、“The train station is on the other side of the street, and it's a 10-minute walk from here.”(火车站在那边的街上,步行10分钟就可以到达。)、“The park is behind the building, and it's a 15-minute walk from here.”(公园在建筑物后面,步行15分钟就可以到达。)



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