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1. 龙驭是指人们驾驭龙的能力,也指或掌握某种事物的能力。

2. 指某人具有非凡的才华和魅力,能够吸引众人的注意力和追随。


3. 也可以用来形容某种强大的力量或者势力。

1. The term "龙驭" refers to the ability of people to control dragons, as well as the ability to control or master something.

2. It can also be used to describe someone with extraordinary talent and charm, able to attract the attention and following of others.

3. It can also be used to describe a powerful force or influence.

1. 龙驭天下,古代帝王将龙作为自己的象征,以显示自己的权威和能力。

As the emperor of ancient times, one would use dragons as their symbol to demonstrate their authority and ruling power.

2. 他是一个真正的龙驭者,他拥有无穷无尽的智慧和勇气,能够战胜任何挑战。

He is a true master of dragons, possessing infinite wisdom and courage, able to overcome any challenge.

3. 她像一条蛟龙般在舞台上飞舞,完美地展现出她对舞蹈的龙驭之道。

She dances on stage like a flying dragon, perfectly showcasing her mastery of dance.

4. 他的演讲技巧真是龙驭般的雄浑,每个人都被他的魅力所吸引。

His speaking skills are as powerful as controlling dragons, captivating everyone with his charm.

5. 龙驭者必须具备强大的意志力和耐心,才能真正掌控这些神秘而强大的生物。

A dragon master must possess strong willpower and patience in order to truly control these mysterious and powerful creatures.





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