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bythelake中文什么意思(by the lake中文翻译,by the lake是什么意思,by the lake发音、用法及例句)

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by the lake中文意思翻译



 bythelake中文什么意思(by the lake中文翻译,by the lake是什么意思,by the lake发音、用法及例句)

by the lake双语使用场景

1、He has a villa by the lake.───他在湖畔有一所别墅.

2、Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.───成群的鸟聚集在湖畔.

3、The hikers camped by the lake.───那些登山者在湖边扎营.

4、There are many willows by the lake.───湖边有好多柳树.

5、The officer fell out the soldiers by the lake.───军官在湖边上士兵们解散.

6、It's very nice by the lake.───湖边很美.

7、Let's eat our picnic by the lake.───咱们到湖边去吃野餐吧。

8、The hunters camped by the lake at dark.───天黑时,猎人们在湖边宿营.

9、A bird was flying by the lake.───一只鸟从湖边飞过.

10、The breeze was cooled by the lake.───湖泊带来了凉风.

11、Let's go eat out by the lake.───我们去湖边吃东西 吧.

12、They seated themselves upon a bench that stood by the lake.───他们在湖畔的一条长凳上坐下.

13、It's wonderful , sitting by the lake side angling.───坐在湖边垂钓真是好极了.

14、The children sledged all day by the lake.───孩子们整天在湖面上滑雪橇.

15、The hotel is a very pleasant situation by the lake.───该饭店坐落于湖边一处非常宜人的地点.

16、of birds had flocked together by the lake.───成群的鸟聚集在湖边。

17、We tented them by the lake.───我们安排他们在湖畔宿营。

18、Some are drawing by the lake, others are climbing the hill.───一些人在湖边画画, 另外一些人在爬山.

by the lake相似词语短语

1、by the bye───顺便说到,顺便提起;附带地

2、by the balls───在球旁边

3、on the take───受贿;敲诈

4、by the lee───由李

5、by the way───顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中

6、and the like───等等;依次类推

7、buy the farm───阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡

8、on the make───在制作中;增加;急求成功

9、by the dozen───成打地;按打计算

he is standing by the lake and looking at the boats.什么意思?

he is standing by the lake and looking at the boats.



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