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don't be silly(don t be silly中文翻译,don t be silly是什么意思,don t be silly发音、用法及例句)

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don t be silly中文意思翻译


 don't be silly(don t be silly中文翻译,don t be silly是什么意思,don t be silly发音、用法及例句)


don t be silly双语使用场景

1、Don't be silly, Lucy, " said Susan. " We've only just come out of that room a moment ago, and you were there then.───“别说傻话,露茜,”苏珊说,“我们刚从空屋里出来,你躲在哪里就这么一会儿工夫。”

2、Don't be silly. They just take a while to open up to new people.───别傻了。他们只是需要时间去与新朋友结交罢了。

3、B: Don't be silly. It was just a case of puppy love between us.───别傻了。那不过是我们小时候那种纯纯的爱罢了。

4、Don't be silly, Medlock.───别傻了,梅德洛克太太。

5、Of course we're not going to let you keep the profits we encouraged you to go and seek , don't be silly .───我们当初鼓励你们去获利,你以为我们会让你们拿走吗?当然不会了,别犯傻了。

6、Don't be silly. It was just a case of puppy love between us.───别傻了。那只不过是我们年少无知的爱罢了。

7、No, don't be silly.───当然不是,别傻了。

8、"Don't be silly. " Trevor said, and stepped in front. "It's just far away. " He said and ran, but hit with a thud onto the ground.───“别傻了。”特雷福说,接着他走向前说,“那还离着老远呢。”说完往前跑,但是只听嘭得一声,特雷福跌倒在地。

don t be silly相似词语短语

1、on the shelf───在书架上;束之高阁;被搁置的;闲置的

2、on the sly───偷偷地;秘密地

3、on the skids───快要失败;快要被解雇;正在衰落

4、on one side───在一旁;斜着

5、on the side───另外;作为兼职

6、hit the silk───击中丝绸

7、pot belly───腹膨隆


throw及物动词,扔,过去分词是thrown,.被动语态结构是be 加thown


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