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boot up中文翻译,boot up是什么意思,boot up发音、用法及例句

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boot up中文意思翻译


 boot up中文翻译,boot up是什么意思,boot up发音、用法及例句


boot up双语使用场景

1、All other systems boot up automatically, except for your AutoPC, which is on all the time.───除开车上PC机 总开着以外, 其它所有的系统都是自动开启的.

2、Hank: Well my computer won't boot up.───汉克: 计算机无法启动.

3、Quiet fast boot up time.───启动的时候很快很安静.

4、I can boot up from a floppy disk, but that's all.───我可以用一张软盘来启动,但其他的就无能为力了。

5、My computer won't boot up.───我的电脑启动不了。

6、Just a minute, I'm waiting for my computer to boot up.───等会儿, 我正等我的电脑启动起来.

7、Safeguard computer from unwanted access. Protect desktop and boot - up.───保卫计算机免于讨厌的存取. 保护桌面和启动.

8、Selecting a given OS causes it to boot up.───选择一个给定os引导。

9、Boot up with Public Access Desktop in locked mode.───开机与公众查阅桌面在锁定模式.

10、I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up.───在家中的办公室里等侯电脑启动时,我给自己灌下一些谷类食物,狼吞虎咽地吃下去。

11、Restart the computer and boot up normally.───重新启动电脑,并开机正常.

12、A hard reset returns the device to its initialization or'boot - up'state.───硬复原会将设备返回到它的初始状态或 “ 引导 ” 状态.

13、Failed to uninstall the device. The device may be required to boot up the computer.───卸载该设备失败. 在启动计算机时可能需要该设备.

14、What he needs is a good boot up the backside!───他需要的是在他屁股上狠狠踢一脚.

15、How to change default Operating System boot - up for GRUB menu?───如何更改GRUB菜单内默认启动的操作系统?

16、For security reason the application can only be auto - started at the machine boot - up.───出于安全的原因,应用程序只能自动开始在机开机.

17、CPU utilization for last boot - up 100 %, this boot for 50 %.───CPU使用率上次开机时为100%, 本次开机为50%.首页总被强行篡改.

18、On the other hand, however, it may slow boot up procedure.───然而在另一方面, 它会让开始工作历程变慢.

boot up相似词语短语

1、book up───预订(票、车位、舱位等);全部预定完

2、boot out───解雇;撵走;逐出

3、boots up───启动

4、beat up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

5、boot ups───启动

6、booted up───启动

7、shoot up───射出;发芽;暴涨;迅速成长

8、books up───预订(票、车位、舱位等);全部预定完

9、root up───v.根除;肃清









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