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fell ill中文翻译,fell ill是什么意思,fell ill发音、用法及例句

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 fell ill中文翻译,fell ill是什么意思,fell ill发音、用法及例句

fell ill中文意思翻译



fell ill双语使用场景

1、Once the Victorian artist James'dog fell ill with a throat infection.───从前,有一位维多利亚女王时代的画家叫詹姆斯,他的狗喉咙感染了.

2、Gordon fell ill on holiday.───戈登休假时生病了.

3、He fell ill on Monday and died three days later.───他星期一得病,三天后就死了.

4、Several people fell ill.───好几个人生病了。

5、He fell ill and eventually died.───他患病而终于不治.

6、What with overwork and what with hunger, John fell ill.───约翰病倒了, 一半由于过度劳累一半由于饥饿.

7、The understudy was substituted when the leading actor fell ill.───主角演员患病,由替角代替演出.

8、The news came out that king and queen suddenly fell ill.───国王和王后突然生病的消息传开了.

9、He fell ill and was in the hospital when fighting broke out.───他在战争爆发的时候生病住院.

10、What with overwork and what with under - nourishment, he fell ill.───由于过度劳累,加上营养不足, 他病倒了.

11、She fell ill with measles.───她患麻疹病倒了。

12、Lily suddenly fell ill while she was traveling.───旅行途中莉莉突然生病了。

13、Suddenly he fell ill and ran a high fever.───他突然病倒,发起高烧.

14、He fell ill and died soon after.───他病倒不久便去世了。

15、He fell ill with acute appendicitis.───他得了急性阑尾炎.

16、No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.───他一到那里就病倒了.

17、He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill.───他在一年一度前往麦加朝圣的途中病倒了.

18、Why she fell ill suddenly is a mystery.───为什么她突然生病是个谜.

fell ill相似词语短语

1、fell for───爱上,倾心

2、roll mill───滚碎机;辊式捏合机

3、fell off───跌落

4、fall in───塌陷;跌入;集合;到期

5、fell into───掉进;变成

6、fell in───排队;到期

7、ball mill───球磨;[机]球磨机

改错:He feel ill?


He fell ill.

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