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if anything中文翻译,if anything是什么意思,if anything发音、用法及例句

if anything发音

英:  美:

 if anything中文翻译,if anything是什么意思,if anything发音、用法及例句

if anything中文意思翻译




if anything双语使用场景

1、If anything should happen to him, that would be too bad.───如什么意外的事临到他的头上, 可就糟了.

2、If anything happens to this car, I will hold you accountable.───这辆车如果出什么问题, 我就惟你是问.

3、What if anything should happen to him?───万一他有个长短, 怎么办 ?

4、I'd say he was more like his father, if anything.───依我看,如果一定要说他像谁的话,他比较像他的父亲。

5、You'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.───出了事唯你是问.

6、I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.───我从来不用跟在他后面打扫卫生。恰恰相反,他包揽了大部分的清洁工作。

7、If anything, swimming will appeal to her most strongly.───如果说有什么能强烈地吸引她,那就是游泳了。

8、I wondered uneasily if anything had happened to the children.───我忐忑不安地揣测孩子们是不是出了什么事.

9、If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views.───如果有什么东西能够破坏这种关系的话,那可能就是他们世界观方面存在的实质性差异。

10、Check the tools and see if anything is missing.───检点一下工具,看有无丢失.

11、We'd like you to look around and tell us if anything is missing.───我们想请你四处看看,并且告诉我们是否缺少什么。

12、You'd take the whole blame if anything should go wrong.───要是有个闪失,你要负全部责任.

13、What if anything should happen to the child?───万一这孩子出了差错怎么办?

14、If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views.───假如有什么事情使关系恶化的话,那可能就是他们在世界观方面所存在的实质性差异。

15、Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, I'll take responsibility for it.───没关系, 出了问题我兜着.

16、If anything, Sloan's uneasiness deepened.───如果说有什么不一样的话,那就是斯隆变得越来越不安了。

17、If anything happens to him, let me know at once.───如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我.

18、If anything happens to the machine, please let me know.───要是机器出了毛病, 请告诉我.

if anything相似词语短语



3、funny thing───有趣的事

4、fun thing───有趣的事


6、like anything───拼命地;非常猛地;全力地;象什么似的


8、as anything───象什么似的;非常

9、or anything───或者别的什么


if anything的中文翻译是更可能的是,总之。

if anything

英 [if ˈeniθiŋ] 美 [ɪf ˈɛniˌθɪŋ]



1. Living together didn't harm our friendship. If anything it strengthened it.


2. If anything, swimming will appeal to her most strongly.


3. If anything, Sloan's uneasiness deepened.


4. Joe isn't a bad boy. If anything, he's a pretty good one.

乔不是一个坏男孩. 总之, 他是一个非常好的男孩.

5. I wondered uneasily if anything had happened to the children.


6. If anything happens to the machine, please let me know.

要是机器出了毛病, 请告诉我.


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