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my pleasure中文翻译,my pleasure是什么意思,my pleasure发音、用法及例句

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 my pleasure中文翻译,my pleasure是什么意思,my pleasure发音、用法及例句

my pleasure中文意思翻译




my pleasure双语使用场景

1、If they gave me a fortune, my pleasure will be small.───如果他们给我一笔财富, 我快乐会很小(不大)

2、It is my pleasure to welcome Mi Smith back.───很高兴欢迎史密斯小姐回来.

3、"Thanks for your call."— 'My pleasure.'───“谢谢你打来电话。”——“不用谢。”

4、It's my pleasure to explore the possibility of trade with you.───我们很乐意与您探讨开展贸易可能性的问题.

5、It is my pleasure and duty.───这是我的荣幸和责任。

6、My pleasure. I'm glad you like it.───还客气什么, 你们喜欢我就很高兴了.

7、It is my pleasure to give you efficient, fast and convenient services.───我很高兴随时为您提供高效 、 快捷、方便的服务.

8、No, thanks. We don't accept tips. It's my pleasure to serve you.───不, 谢谢, 我们不收小费. 能为您服务是我的荣幸!

9、What is my pleasure or convenience compared with that of others!───与别人相比,我的快乐和方便又算得了什么呢?

10、It is my pleasure that you dine with me in Wadi Rumm!───我很荣幸能跟你一起在万迪拉姆用餐!

11、It's my pleasure to know you.───认识阁下,深感荣幸.

12、Not at all. It's my pleasure.───不客气. 这是我的荣幸.

13、It's my pleasure to be in the company of such a fine gentleman as yourself.───能和像你这样的绅士做伴,才是我的荣幸.

14、It will be my pleasure to fill in the gaps in your learning.───我很荣幸帮你在学识里填补这个空白.

15、It's my pleasure to help you.───帮助你是我的快乐.

16、Do you share my pleasure and joy?───你感受到我的愉快和喜悦了吗?

17、It's my pleasure. It's a pity that you have to go now.───这是我的荣幸, 可惜你现在就要走了.

18、Emma: ( Standing up and offering her hand ). It was my pleasure, thank you.───爱玛: ( 起身,伸出手来 ) 很高兴与您面谈. 谢谢.

my pleasure相似词语短语

1、with pleasure───愉快地;乐意地;愿意



4、pure pleasure───纯粹的快乐

5、to pleasure───为了快乐





my pleasure是什么意思

my pleasure

[英][mai ˈpleʒə][美][maɪ ˈplɛʒɚ]



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