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how fast中文翻译,how fast是什么意思,how fast发音、用法及例句

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how fast中文意思翻译


 how fast中文翻译,how fast是什么意思,how fast发音、用法及例句


how fast双语使用场景

1、How fast were you going?───当时你们走得有多快?

2、December, as it always does, reminds us how fast a year has passed so quickly and our whole life can be a glimpse of the eye.───十二月又最是让人惊异一年的时间过得如此之快,真真感到人生如白驹过隙的月份。

3、How fast can you type?───你打字有多快?

4、The amount of RAM simply decides how much paging and swapping you will do, i. e. how fast memory access will be.───RAM的大小仅决定了有多少内存分页和交换可用,如,程序多快能访问它们。

5、No matter how fast you run, it is impossible for you to catch up with him.───无论你跑得多快,你都不可能赶上他。

6、Mr. Hu and his successors are sure to be racked by the question of how fast China can sustainably grow.───胡主席和他的接班人肯定会为如何保持中国持续快速增长的势头而大伤脑筋。

7、How fast would the disease develop?───这种疾病发展有多快?

8、Do you know how fast your processor is and how much RAM you have?───你知道你的处理器有多快以及是你有多大内存吗?

9、And the curl of a velocity field tells you how fast it is spinning at any given time up to a factor of two.───速度场的旋度告诉你,它旋转速度有多快,只是以两倍显示。

how fast相似词语短语


2、go fast───毒行公路(**名);快速追击(**名);走得快

3、move fast───快速行动;快速移动;迅速行动

4、to fast───快

5、how far───离多远;到什么范围或程度


7、grow fast───快速成长;快速生长

8、flow fast───快速流动

9、show flat───样品房(作为样品的房屋)

how fast so






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