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wear-and-tear(wear and tear中文翻译,wear and tear是什么意思,wear and tear发音、用法及例句)

wear and tear发音

英:  美:

wear and tear中文意思翻译


 wear-and-tear(wear and tear中文翻译,wear and tear是什么意思,wear and tear发音、用法及例句)



wear and tear双语使用场景

1、Physical deterioration, e . g . wear and tear, erosion , rusting, rot and decay.───自然损耗, 例:磨损 、 生锈 、 腐朽和自然侵蚀.

2、Unique flat diaphragm design reduces wear and tear for long service life.───独特的皮膜设计减少磨损,延长工作寿命.

3、The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.───这种地毯设计得十分耐用。

4、The furniture suffers a lot of wear and tear when the children are at home.───孩子们在家时,家具就会遭到许多损坏.

5、Knives and scissors made By Zhang Xiaoquan stand wear and tear.───张小泉刀剪经久耐用.

6、However, there is another thing to wear and tear.───但是, 还有另外一件事情就是损耗.

7、These tyres will stand up to even the roughest wear and tear.───这些轮胎能经得起最厉害的磨损与撕拉.

8、The simple and artificial tartan jackets stand wear and tear.───花格全毛呢茄克,美观大方,耐穿耐用.

9、This bike is designed to handle normal wear and tear.───自行车被设计用来解决日常的劳累.

10、The car engine has suffered wear and tear over the years.───汽车引擎已经过多年的磨损.

11、This material can stand a lot of wear and tear.───这种材料经得住磨损和撕扯.

12、These products can stand wear and tear.───这些产品能经久耐用.

13、These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass.───这些是第一批能经得住连续碾碎玻璃造成的磨损的机器。

14、The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.───保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏.

15、The paper fiber also has a degree of wear and tear.───纸张纤维也有必定火平的磨损性.

16、Apart from fair wear and tear, the car is in excellent condition.───这辆车除了正常磨损外, 一切完好.

17、insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.───保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。

18、The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear.───这种新材料能够经受住哪怕是最严重的磨损.

wear and tear相似词语短语

1、far and away───无疑地;显然地

2、wear and tears───n.磨损

3、near and far───各个地方;到处

4、Tyne and Wear───(英)泰恩-威尔郡

5、year and a day───一年又一天

6、far and near───远近;四面八方;到处

7、lend an ear───倾听

normal wear and tear是什么意思啊?

wear and tear 是一个固定搭配,是“磨损”的意思,这里的normal wear and tear应该是自然损耗,自然折旧的意思


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