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be closed to中文翻译,be closed to是什么意思,be closed to发音、用法及例句

be closed to发音

英:  美:

be closed to中文意思翻译



 be closed to中文翻译,be closed to是什么意思,be closed to发音、用法及例句

be closed to双语使用场景

1、If any government calls for factories to be closed to stop the spread of the infection, we will of course comply with that.───倘若有政府要求关闭工厂,以防止**扩散,我们会遵守执行。

2、the gates of Eden be closed to me forever?───伊甸园的大门会永远对我关闭吗?

3、the gates of Eden be closed to me forever? I have not yet found their key.───伊甸园的大门会永远对我关闭吗?我还没有发现它的钥匙。

4、By Tuesday, major streets and Bridges leading to the area will be closed to all but official vehicles.───星期二,到市区的主要街道和桥梁将被封锁,除了官方的车辆外,所有车辆不得通行。

5、But as far as I know, nobody at the time was calling for the postal service to be closed to stop real bombs being sent.───但就我所知,那时没有人要求关闭邮政服务以防止邮寄炸弹邮件。

6、Parts of the palace of Versailles may have to be closed to the public in order to be preserved .───凡尔赛宫中有些地方可能得关闭,不对公众开放,以期能保存下来。

7、Foreign tourists planning to visit Tibet were told that the region would be closed to foreigners until the end of March.───计划到西藏参观的外国游客均被告知,该地区直到三月底才对外开放。

8、Part of Mr. Li's agreement with Mr. Munger was that the fund would be closed to new investors.───李路与芒格达成的协议中有基金将不再向新投资者开放的内容。

9、China, which used to be closed to immigrant labour, is now handing out residency permits to professionals, academics and entrepreneurs.───在过去中国对移民劳力是不开放的,现在却向专业人才、学者、企业家广发居住许可。

be closed to相似词语短语

1、exposed to───接触;暴露于

2、as opposed to───与…截然相反;对照

3、be used to───习惯于

4、be counter to───与……相违背

5、be cursed with───深受…之害;因…而遭殃

6、a closed book───未揭开的秘密;高深莫测的事物

7、be able to───v.会;能够

8、be about to───即将;刚要;正打算

9、be going to───将要;打算

be close to与close to的区别?


1、短语本质不同。close to属于动词词组,本身短语后面即可是事物,意思是离…近; 与…关系密切; 近乎; 临近;。而be close to多用于靠近人物,描述人物关系。

2、短语中的close性质不同。在close to短语里,close是一个形容词,形容近的,接近的,或者与谁亲近。在be close to中的closed是动词close的被动时态,或者是一个状态。

3、语态不同。close to一般语态是主动语态或者一般现在时,而be closed to 一般具有被动性质。


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