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hand out中文翻译,hand out是什么意思,hand out发音、用法及例句

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hand out中文意思翻译


 hand out中文翻译,hand out是什么意思,hand out发音、用法及例句


<非正>分发; 拿出; 搀扶…出来; 维持

hand out双语使用场景

1、Today the country's nationalists rule the roost and hand out the jobs.───如今这个国家的民族主义者掌握大权,分派那些工作。

2、Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?───何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了 吗 ?

3、I rustle up a few helpers to hand out leaflets.───我找到几个助手散发传单.

4、Please hand out the reading materials to the students.───请把这些阅读材料分发给学生.

5、He came forward with his hand out. "Mr. and Mrs. Selby?" he said.───他伸着手走上前来,“塞尔比先生和夫人吧?”他说。

6、One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.───我的工作之一是分发奖品。

7、Gates doesn't address anyone by name, hand out praise or stroke any egos.───盖茨不会直呼别人的名字, 不会随便表扬或伤害别人.

8、People expect you to hand out something showy when they've decided you're sitting on treasure.───一旦人们确信你是个坐在金银堆上的人,就一定会期望你拿出了不得的东西来.

9、One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.───我的职责之一是分发奖品。

10、She held her hand out flat, to halt him.───她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。

11、He reached his hand out for the book I offered him.───他伸出手来取我给他的那本书.

12、The new class of warship was built to hand out the punishment.───这条新等级战舰是为了痛击敌人而建造的.

13、This is your friend John, isn't it? And where does he hand out?───这是你的朋友约翰, 是吧? 他住在哪里?

14、It is doubtful whether our resources will hand out for more than two or three days more.───我们的资源能否再维持两三天


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