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thinking of you中文翻译,thinking of you是什么意思,thinking of you发音、用法及例句

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 thinking of you中文翻译,thinking of you是什么意思,thinking of you发音、用法及例句

thinking of you中文意思翻译



thinking of you双语使用场景

1、I'm only thinking of you.───我只是在为你着想。

2、"We will be thinking of you and praying for you during this holiday season, " he said.───他说:“在佳节来临之时,我们会想着你们,并为你们祈祷。”

3、Even without seeing you for real, yet I cannot stop thinking of you for a single minute, it was like magic.───即使我不能面对面看着你,我也无时无刻不在想念着你,像着了魔一般。

4、My friends say that I might regret Losing my heart to a guy I've never met. I say there is nothing I can do, I cannot help thinking of you.───朋友们说我会后悔,把我的心交给一个未曾谋面的人。我说我就是控制不住,禁不住要去想你。

5、Listen, I shall be thinking of you always.───听着,我会一直想着你。

6、I've grown so lonesome, thinking of you.───我从小到大都很孤单,经常想起你。

7、I'm thinking of you all the time. You are going back to New Zealand in a few days, and I really don't want you to go.───本人真地十分想你,还有几天你就要归去新西兰了,很不舍得你。

8、i hope you will think of me from time to time as i shall be thinking of you always.───我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。

9、Sometimes seeing a young man walking past me, I am thinking of you to be the same youthful and vigorous. But I. . .───有时看到个男孩子从旁边走过,就想着你也应该是那样的吧,青春,张扬。而我……

thinking of you相似词语短语

1、thinking through───彻底地想清楚

2、thinking times───思考时间;判断时间

3、thinking caps───思考;思考状态

4、thinking out───解决;仔细考虑;发现

5、thinking over───思考

6、thinking cap───思考;思考状态

7、think nothing of it!───别放在心上

8、thinking time───思考时间;判断时间

9、thinking back───回想

im thinking of you是什么意思?

think of 1.想到,考虑2.想起来,记起;想出来句子意思意译为“我正在想着你”


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