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no complaint, no disappointment, no fantasy

Don't blame others for disappointing you. You expect too much of yourself.


Don't complain about anyone.

Without Complaining


Without Complaining

no complaint, no disappointment, no fantasy

do not complain.hold no grievance.

不抱怨,不失望,不幻想Don't complain, don't despair, don't daydream注: 如果楼主意思是“不令人失望”,那就翻译成 don't disappoint. 还有,“不幻想”不知道楼主是什么意思,如果是白日梦那种,就是daydream(名词、动词同样),如果想说纯粹就是不要幻想,那就是fantasize, 不是fantasy, 因为前者是动词,后者是名词。无抱怨,无失望,无幻想, 这是二楼的翻译No complaints, no disappointments, no daydreaming望采纳


constantly nagging英文翻译如下不断唠叨例句Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors.就连她自己团队里的人都认为她泼妇似的,又爱唠叨,在走廊里看见她也不爱搭理她。Stop nagging ─ I'll do it as soon as I can.别唠叨了——我会尽快做的。Her constant nagging drove him away.她不断的唠叨把他给赶跑了。

不断地唠叨。1.现在分词常可用作状语,表示:1)同时发生的另一动作(多为伴随的动作):Mr.Brown sat in a boat fishing.布朗先生坐在一条船上钓鱼。Some left the hall still weeping.有些人离开大厅时还在哭泣。Following Tom,they started to climb.他们跟着汤姆开始往上爬。2)原因:Not knowing her address(=As we don’t...),we couldn’t get in touch with her.由于不知道她的地址,我们没法和她联系。Many of us,being so excited,could not go to sleep.我们很多人是那样激动,没法睡着。Having already seen the film twice(=As she had already seen...),she didn’t want to see it.这电影她己看过两遍,不想再看了。3)时间:Turning around(=As he turned around),he saw an ambulance driving up.他转过身看到一辆救护车开了过来。Hearing the news(=When they heard...),they all jumped with joy.听到这消息他们都高兴得跳起来了。Having finished her work(When she had finished...),she started to read the newspaper.她干完工作,开始看报。2.有时现在分词短语可由when或while引起:Be careful when you are crossing the street.过街要小心。I got engaged to her when traveling last winter.去年冬天旅游时我和她订了婚。Don’t mention this while (you are)talking to him.和他谈话时别提此事。While doing so he hurt his leg.这样做使他腿受了伤。3.一般说来,现在分词表示的是句子主语的动作,这从上面句子中可以看出。但在下面这类句子中,现在分词表示说话人的态度,可以不表示主语的动作,这时它是修饰整个句子的,不是修饰句子中的某个谓语动词:Supposing we lose what shall we do?假定我们输了怎么办?It has cost,roughly speaking,$500.这事大致花了500美金。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

constantly nagging不停地唠叨重点词汇 constantly不断地;时常地 nagging困扰;(nag的现在分词形式);大声叱责;马;竞赛马;老马;唠叨的;使人不得安宁的;挑剔的;抱怨的

1、抱怨的英语是:complain,是抱怨;发牢骚的意思。 2、例句 (1)For my own part, I have nothing to complain of. 我这方面没有什么好抱怨的。 (2)He complained that the exam was too hard. 他抱怨考试太难了。 (3) Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! (4)I have a complaint that I would like to make. 我有些怨言。


Do not always complain that children should be encourage and more.

Don't always complain all around you!

Instead of complaining,try to take difficulties as challenges.

Trying to treat difficulties as challenges instead of complaining all the time.


1. 心怀怨恨。 《晋书·刘毅传》:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之铨。” 唐 骆宾王《畴昔篇》:“ 邹衍 衔悲系 燕 狱, 李斯 抱怨拘 秦 桎。” 宋 范仲淹《再奏辩滕宗谅张亢》:“陛下深居九重,当须察此物情,知其艰苦,岂可使狱吏为功,而劳抱怨。” 2. 埋怨。 元 杨显之《潇湘雨》楔子:“船便开,倘若有些不测,只不要抱怨我。”《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“ 刘千户 不想自儿死生有命,到抱怨先生带累了。”《红楼梦》第一回:“主仆三人,日夜作些针线,帮着父亲用度。那 封肃 虽然每日抱怨,也无可奈何了。” 杨朔《海市·王禄小记》:“有时干脆不回家,守着电镐睡,惹得妻子抱怨他不懂情意。”

向某人抱怨(某事)的英文:complain of sth to sb

complain  读法 英 [kəmˈpleɪn]   美 [kəmˈpleɪn]


1、complain constantly 经常地抱怨

2、complain fearfully 可怕地抱怨

3、complain loudly 大声地抱怨

4、complain incessantly 不停地抱怨


1、complain用作不及物动词时,其后可接of或about引起的短语, of后常是诉苦的内容,可为名词或动名词,而about后则是对抱怨事物概括的陈述。当表示“向…抱怨…”时,要用complain to sb of〔about〕 sth 结构。




complain, grumble, murmur这组词的共同意思是“抱怨”或“埋怨”。其区别是:

1、omplain是向别人诉苦; murmur是背着别人自言自语地“抱怨”; grumble通常带有感情色彩和个人情绪,指一边发脾气,一边自己对自己叽叽咕咕。



向某人抱怨(某事)网络释义向某人抱怨(某事):| complain to sb. about sth complain of sth to sb.



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