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the moment of truth是什么意思? the moment of truth翻译

the moment of truth是一个英语短语,意为“时刻”或“关键时刻”。它用来形容一个人或情况面临重要的决定、考验或挑战的时刻。这个短语通常指的是某种紧张、关键的情况,需要做出最终的选择或行动。


the moment of truth [ðə ˈmoʊmənt əv truːθ]

the moment of truth是什么意思? the moment of truth翻译


the moment of truth通常作为主语、宾语或介词短语出现在句子中。它可以用来描述任何重要的决定、考验或挑战的时刻。:

- It was the moment of truth for the athlete as he prepared to make his final jump in the competition.


- The job interview was the moment of truth for her, as she had been dreaming of working for this company for years.


- This is the moment of truth. We have to decide whether to go through with our plan or back out now.



1. This is the moment of truth for our relationship. We have to decide if we want to stay together or go our separate ways.


2. The final exam was the moment of truth for all the students in the class. It would determine their grades and future prospects.


3. As she stood on stage, waiting for the results to be announced, she knew it was the moment of truth for her acting career.


4. The job interview was the moment of truth for him. He had to impress the interviewer if he wanted to get his dream job.


5. As she approached the finish line, she knew it was the moment of truth in the marathon race. She had to push through and give it her all.



1. Crucial moment: 指的是非常重要的时刻,强调这个时刻对于结果的决定性作用。:The final round of the competition was the crucial moment for all the contestants.


2. Critical point: 指的是某个阶段或过程中最关键、最重要的时刻。:The critical point in the negotiation came when both sides had to agree on a compromise.


3. Decisive moment: 指的是需要做出决定或采取行动的关键时刻。:The decisive moment for them was when they had to choose between staying in their hometown or moving to a big city.



the moment of truth是一个常用的英语短语,形容面临重要决定、考验或挑战的关键时刻。它可以用作主语、宾语或介词短语,通常与动词to be连用。同义词包括crucial moment、critical point和decisive moment,它们都强调某种情况或对结果具有决定性作用。使用该短语时,需要注意上下文和语境,避免使用不当。总的来说,the moment of truth是一个生动、形象的表达,能够准确地描述关键时刻的紧张和重要性。


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