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Meaning: How to say in English

Pronunciation: [hau tu sei in ing-glish]


Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word, phrase, or sentence in another language.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you tell me how to say "thank you" in English?


2. I'm not sure how to say this in English, can you help me?


3. Could you please show me how to say this sentence in English?


4. I don't know how to say this word in English, can you teach me?


5. How do you say "I love you" in English?


Synonyms and Usage:

1. What is the English translation for...? (formal)


2. How do you express this in English? (formal)


3. What's the equivalent of this word/phrase/sentence in English? (formal)


4. Can you give me the English version of...? (informal)


5. What's the English for...? (informal)


Editor's Summary:

When someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word, phrase, or sentence in another language, they can use the phrase "how to say in English". This is a common question when learning a new language or trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language. It is important to know how to say things in different languages in order to effectively communicate and understand others. There are various synonyms for this phrase, both formal and informal, that can be used depending on the situation and level of formality.


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