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Confidence Index

[ˈkɑnfɪdəns ˈɪndeks]




1. Our company's confidence index has been steadily increasing over the past year, indicating a positive outlook for our future growth. (我们公司的信心指数在过去一年稳步增长,预示着我们未来发展前景乐观。)

2. The government's latest survey shows that the confidence index of small business owners has dropped significantly due to the economic downturn. (最新的调查显示,由于经济下滑,小企业主的信心指数大幅下降。)

3. As a coach, my goal is to help my players improve their confidence index on and off the field. (作为一名教练,我的目标是帮助我的球员在场上和场下提高他们的信心指数。)

4. According to the latest data, the confidence index of consumers has reached a record high, indicating strong consumer spending in the upcoming holiday season. (根据最新数据,消费者信心指数已达到历史最高点,预示着即将到来的假期季节将有强劲的消费支出。)

5. The success of our project can be attributed to the high confidence index of our team members, who were determined to overcome any challenges. (我们项目的成功归功于团队成员的高信心指数,他们决心克服任何挑战。)

同义词及用法:自信指数 (Self-Confidence Index)、心理健康指数 (Mental Health Index)、满意度指数 (Satisfaction Index)



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